
Hi, I’m a creator

Newsletter January 2022

Published over 2 years ago • 5 min read

New Year, New Newsletter babeyy!

This month's topics are:

  • Personal
    • 6 am club
    • Podcasts
    • Covid
  • TKS
    • Mindset
    • Second replicate
    • Velocity
  • Next month
    • Weekend routine
    • Finish replicate #2
    • Write articles
    • Replicate #1 video


6 am club

Last month I set a goal for myself, wake up at 6 am every weekday. What did I do? Woke up at 5.30 every weekday lol. I didn't have enough time to do everything I wanted to before I need to leave for school... And to be honest I still don't xd.

I find myself running full speed to school every morning. At least I have a morning jog that way lol.

My morning routine goes as follows

For the Deep Work section, I do the heaviest work that I need to do for the day. I have no distractions at that time. I usually can get into the flow-state where my productivity goes insane. I love it!

I look forward to this routine every evening when I go to sleep.


I listened to a looott more podcasts this month lol. I probably forgot to add some of them, my bad whoops.



Saas Companies that Anyone Can Start with Rob Walling

Solana Billionaires, MFM Goes Viral on TikTok, Right to Be Forgotten, and More

Meet The Farmer Who's Making $50M/Year With a Newsletter

Is The Rock Going to Make $18+ From Tequila? + Placebo Water, STR Update, and More

Coaching Our Producer To Make $5000/Hour With Consulting

$1M By 19 $100M+ By 35 Here's How He Did It

The Science of Making & Breaking Habits | Huberman Lab Podcast #53

Rich Roll Reinventing Your Life at 30, 40, and Beyond | The Tim Ferriss Show

Balaji Srinivasan Bitcoin and Ethereum, Crypto Oracles, and More The Tim Ferriss Show

Chris Dixon and Naval Ravikant: The Wonders of Web3 And Much More | The Tim Ferris Show


Ya boy had covid. I tested positive for the Omicron strain. Luckily no heavy symptoms, I just had it for a very long time lol. Usually, you should test negative on a self-test after 7days.

I still tested positive after 10. And in Belgium, if you test positive after the 7 days, you need to stay in quarantine for another 3 days. So that meant I skipped 2 WEEKS OF SCHOOL HELL YEA!

A lot of catching up to do now though, soooo how do I say it nicely? Oh yea, I'm totally fucked xd



A lot of great mindsets this month, can't lie. Stoicism, Be Intentional, Compounding and Anti-fragility. It's too hard to pick one favourite for this month.

So I'll pick two :) Stoicism and anti-fragile

I love the philosophy of stoicism, the whole idea of letting things go that are out of your control is so crucial for your mental health.

E + R = O -> Event + Reaction = Outcome, you can't control the events but you can control your reaction to these events. So ultimately the outcome is always in your control. And as a control freak, that's soothing for me xd.

Anti-fragility goes well with stoicism. As the name suggests, it's the opposite of being fragile. It's not the same as resilience! Resilient is neutral, you're not better off thanks to volatility or a Black Swan event.

Anti-fragility is flourishing from the Black Swan event, a big unforeseen event, and become better of from it. You grow from being anti-fragile. You thrive in volatility when you're anti-fragile.

When you're resilient you stay the same, tough person you were before the event. Here's a quote from the book Antifragile that I bought just because of this mindset xd.

'Further, my characterization of a loser is someone who, after making a mistake, doesn’t introspect, doesn’t exploit it, feels embarrassed and defensive rather than enriched with a new piece of information, and tries to explain why he made the mistake rather than moving on. These types often consider themselves the “victims” of some large plot, a bad boss, or bad weather.'
- Antifragile, Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Second replicate

Since I've been talking shit about banks and praising crypto for being the solution against those crappy fragile systems, I made a simple Banking dApp.

The only function that decentralised Application has is holding your money. You provide liquidity to the De-Fi space by giving it money, and in return, you get an APY, Anual Percentage Yield. And it's waaayyy higher than the banks' interest rate of uuhh none.

So yes I made a YieldFarm. I wouldn't recommend putting your money in it though xd. Trust the more sophisticated YieldFarms like UniSwap.

Article on this coming soon!


For the peeps who don't remember what velocity is, it's an opt-in program from TKS where they prepare you to become a CEO. A lot of extra stuff is required to do when you're in velocity. If you don't do them or join the meeting 2 minutes late, you're kicked out, no mercy.

One of the required things to do is have a weekly external meeting. I had a meeting with two blockchain engineers. They were very helpful. One of them gave me a system on how to grow my network. Will be applying it this month and see how well it works!

Next month

Weekend routine

I've crushed my weekday routine, read all about it on my 6am club section on this newsletter. But, the weekends? aiiaii not really.

I usually sleep in and have no routine so I procrastinate a lot and I mean a lot. I get nothing done. Soooo this month is all about getting my weekend routine in place.

I've learned that consistency is the most important thing in progress. So to keep my routine consistent, I will wake up at 5.30 during the weekends too! Here's my plan for the routine, still haven't even tested it yet, so might change some stuff.

Ye ikr, I wanna kms xdd. Will see how well I do. On top of this, I have set a nighttime routine as well. To get me better prepared to fall asleep and have my morning routine go smoothly.

Finish replicate 2

A replicate is a project we make that someone else already has done.

Read the Second replicate part of this newsletter if you wanna know what I'm making.

It'll be hard for me to finish my blockchain focus if I don't do it quickly now. Because TKS until now has been more exploring knowledge, thanks to that we had more time to work on our focus.

But now, the real stuff begins. This week there is a focus hackathon, and for the next 4 weeks after that, I'll be working on a global challenge. That's solving a problem an international big ass company has, we will literally consult them xd. So ye I'll be busy.

So no time to finish my whole focus next month, but for sure my second replicate.

Replicate #1 video

I still haven't fully finished my first replicate, the lottery system... ye lol. Still have to make the youtube video about it.

Buut I didn't want to make a regular video of me talking to the camera about this project. Sadly enough, I aim higher than that. Sooo that's why I've been procrastinating on making it. Buutt now, I have the idea and I'm working on it. So stay tuned for it!

Write articles

I haven't written any articles this month. I am working on one article though, not related to blockchain ;). So this month when I finish my second replicate project, that includes the article. So at least two articles for this month.

This was it for this month peeps! Luckily, next month is a very short one, so not that long of a waiting time for my newsletter ;)

Hi, I’m a creator

Read more from Hi, I’m a creator

Damn this month flew by fast fast. As usual, I'll sum up all the headers below, feel free to skip to whatever part is most interesting to you :) This month's topics are: Personal Previous Month's Goals Staying On Top Of Your Active Mind Insights On Listened Podcasts The Biggest Gym Mistake How I'm Earning 20% APY TKS Mindset Clarifications Self-discipline Do what makes sense Next month's goals Personal Previous Month's Goals ✅ Every single goal accomplished kinda ... Didn't finish the...

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